Aug 8, 2010


I think this will be a huge event in my entire life as a gay child in Canada.
I'm studying... To... Get... My L!
Yeah, Ok, I know it has nothing to do with being gay or living in Canada. But still, I think it'll change things... Not really. I don't even want to get it, I was pretty much forced into this. Everyone I know is always like, "Ooh Micah, you should totally do it! It'll be so fun! Woo!!" And it's like, "Uh, no thanks" and then they like grow devil horns or something and like threaten my life, so I guess taking my knowledge test will have some effect on my life.

I haven't really study, I looked it over. I did the practice test... I usually get like 80-93% which isn't good. You need 80% to pass... And the real test is out of 50 instead of the 25 that the online one has. Did i mention the real test is harder? The real test is harder. And, that leaves me enough room to get the minimum of 10 wrong.. Which isn't a fantastic number. But hey... I was wondering....

*Doing the test. Gets 98%. On the last question* "When you see a pedestrian you,
A. Run him over                              
B. Stop and wave him across           
C. Slow down and be ready to stop 
D. Speed up, you can surely pass him "
*Picks A*
*The ICBC worker looks over your test* "Oh, he totally picked the wrong answer. That psychopathic child"
*Walks up to the person who took that test* "Congrats Brenda, you passed. You did amazing 98%"
*Walks to the phone, looks at the sign above the phone that says, [Not even kidding] "To call 9-1-1, please dial 9-1-1" And calls 911* "Hi, we have a psychopath here."

CUZ HONESTLY I'M ACTUALLY CONFUSED!! They technically passed! I mean honestly!! They got over 80% But they chose THE RUN HIM OVER CHOICE! I wouldn't feel very safe...

I dunno... What do you think?
A. Find me and run me over.
B. I don't care, I'm too popular to pay attention.
C. I need to call 911, what's the number again?
D. Think about what?

Aug 6, 2010

More updates... Sigh... I need to post more

I met my husband. He started to avoid me because I stared too much.
I met my second husband. I took a picture with him. I forgot to ask his name.
I met my third husband. We totally hit it off. I know his name. He's straight.
I met my fourth husband. We totally hit it off. I know his name. He has a boyfriend.
I met my fifth husband. We totally hit it off. I know his name. He doesn't have a boyfriend. Because he has a girlfriend at the moment. [BI]
I met my sixth husband. I knew that was way too much for normal so I didn't do anything about it.

That's pretty much what happened in the span of 5 weeks. From June till now? Don't get me started.

OMG. The pride parade!!! Look what I've gained!

Pride gains: 21 condoms, 6 flavoured condoms, 2 condom+lube combos, sunglasses, bandana, fan, star, 2 hot guy pictures, a polaroid with hot sweaty guy, a picture with a drag queen, a picture with 2 trojan men, 3 Trojan tattoos, a @kylieminogue 3$ off coupon for her NEW AWESOME CD, 3 pins Dolly Parton, I ♡ cowboys and blood donations, a gay magazine and one husband. [He's the second husband]

I'm wearing the tattoo at the moment! LAWL. Hahah!
And I want an ear piercing... I have to wait till after grad photos d:

I think that's it LOL So I guess.... It's not really that much of a long ass story.
Legally Blonde the Musical. That's an amazing musical! You should watch it! I want the soundtrack so bad haha.
I honestly love Reese Witherspoon and Anne Hathaway. I think my top 5 movies are,
1. The Devil Wears Prada
2. Mean Girls
3. The Princess Diaries
4. Legally Blonde 1/2
5. Summer Storm
But honestly, this list changes without notices like 24/7 haha

"Remember the time we spent those four AMAZING hours in the hot tub? This feels so much better."

Hoe.Lee. Sh.Eat.

Ok yeah, obviously I haven't updated since May! Ok, fine... June. But still! It's [I've learned to use It's and Its now!] August! I mean honestly, what have I Been doing? WELL

2.Summer School
3.Me being "Popular"

1. Camping
    So like many people I go camping in the summer. But unlike many other people I went camping in the States!! Yeah! Oregon and Washington. I love Nordstrom! So nice, but honestly... It's because all the employees are either a hot girl or a gay guy. You must be thinking, "Omg, you're totally lying! I mean hot girls and gay guys?! Mental!!" That's exactly what I said when my cousin told me! But when I arrived, I was awestruck. It was wonderful. It was like heaven... Oh! For the people who don't know what Nordstrom is, it's basically like a huge mall for amazing designer things! Like Louis Vuitton, Coach, Gucci, etc. etc. My cousins both bought two Gucci... Side bag-like things. It's cool, but that's so conforming. I mean everyone has them! But I'm being Hypocritical, I bought only brand name things! True Religion Jeans, Calvin Klein Bag, Guess? Jeans and etc. [God i sound like an advertisement] I even bought my first ever Hollister branded... Thing. [It was a Hoodie haha] and my first ever Sweat Pants, They're so comfortable! It's crazy! I've never had sweats before. Now that I have, it's like, "Woah. I should have worn them earlier on in my life." Anyway, back to Nordstrom. I love it. That's it haha.
   Ok, so you might be thinking, "Pfft, that's not camping! You just went shopping!!" well yeah... But we went camping where I met the love of my life haha, I'm not going into it. But I met my love and he actually acknowledged me, he said he'd love me and I believed him, but I made him promise to not contact me after I left the campsite, same for me... I mean... Long distance never works... Right? Anyway, there was this one campsite where they had these things called... Yurts they're like cabins... So I guess that takes away the whole camping thing, but still we only used it for one night... It was raining so badly... Like it's not even funny haha. [As I laugh.]
   Basically camping was amazing, but when I first arrived back home I went to the bathroom and actually did say out loud, "My first Canadian piss in weeks!" Yeap, that's me being lame.
   Now... I have a short little message about the states. All the guys there are super HOT!!! Yes! They're like basically all white, tall, good looking... But then there are others I guess. But basically it's [For the guys] You're either:  1. White and Hot
                      2. White and Hot and Gay
                      3. White and Hot, but Rude
                      4. Fat
                       5. A Child.
Yeap, those are basically the male categories... In my completely Biased and Racist opinion. Lots of the guys I saw were gay, and I had like many people flirt with me, it was so weird... I mean look at me! LOL. Yes, that's it. Oh and the girls are very pretty and some where really hot!

2. Summer School
You might be thinking, "Holy crap! An Asian!? IN SUMMER SCHOOL!?" I can say this because I've had that said to me before. So you know, we're all a little bit racist. But let me clear this up for you, I took summer school because I needed 4 provincial examinable courses in order to be a Math teacher [Yes, I'm Asian and I'm going to be a math teacher, I'm totally kicking down the stereotypes eh?] And I didn't want to take 5 months of History! And I know I'll fail Chemistry 12, so there's no point in that. So... It was 5 months put into 5 weeks. It was horrible and scary. I almost failed... Ok I wasn't close to failing, but whatever LOL. My friend Nisha was there! She helped me get through the tough times that is/was summer school. My teacher was pretty funny and pretty foxy too! (: I wanted it to end so bad, but now that it's over [It ended today] I kind of miss it... Just not the waking up early thing.

3. Me being "Popular"
I lied... I'm not popular. I just never like staying home. So i call people and we hang. No one ever calls me d: I feel so lame, but it's ok. I um... Have nothing else to say... I guess I was just busy haha.

4. Work
I worked, like once a week. But still I was too lazy to update after that. So yeah, speaking of work. I applied for Starbucks. I mean I didn't ask, they just went up to me and was like, "Do you work here?" "No..." "Oh, well have you dropped off your resume?" "A while ago haha." "Oh, well leave your name, and drop off your resume tomorrow! :D" "Ok! haha" So yeah, I dropped it off today.

I have more updates...