Feb 22, 2010

A response!

Anonymous said...
it's hard to be the definition of a "man" if you like men...

as for your friend, if he is proud to be who he is, he wouldn't have been offended in anyway at what those people at the smokepit said.

Think about it...
if a group of homosexuals said to a straight couple, "gona go make-out Heterosexuals?"
you think that's going to effect them in any way?

and as for, "And they think they're cooler when they call us gays "Fags", that's just pure speculation. Try not to state something you personally think is what they are doing.

----Out of all the Comments I've recieved... I actually haven't read anything like this. And to whoever wrote this? Thank you for voicing your opinion! I really appreciate it (:

But as a response I'd just like to say, my friend is kind of proud, but he's insecure as I said, so he does let things like that offend him.

And yeah I thought about it, and I find it odd, I don't think heterosexuals would be offended possibly because they're the majority of the world and its mostly accepted with many people, I haven't met anyone against Hetrosexuality, have you? But Homosexuality? Now thats something a lot of people will argue against. What I think I'm trying to say is, if you're more accepted among people then you'd less likely be bothered by comments like that.

I wouldn't say its pure speculation, I know some people who know other people and lots of them say that some of the smokers do think they're way cooler and far more superior because they aren't gay and they can talk sh*t about them. This is based on a quote I was told a while back.
...I mean seriously?

I really don't want to sound Condescending... Sorry

Feb 17, 2010

I'm more of a man than you'll ever be.

Now moving on to something more important:

When people call me a "Fag" i get over it, but when they say it to my friend? Yeah, not gonna fly buddy. A friend and I were walking home one day, he's really feminine and he dresses like that too... So yeah self-explanitory? So we walk by the smoke pit by my school because he lives where the path leads to. There are always those hot guys or those utterly UGLY druggies and stuff... And they think they're cooler when they call us gays "Fags" yeah haha, no. So we walk by and one of them goes, "Gonna go make-out fags?!" And well... My friend was obviously offended because even if he is overly effeminite he is very self-concious so i get pissed off and he looks upset. So i walk up to them and I say, "I may be a fag, but I'm more of a man than you'll ever be."
    And unfortunetly some people don't understand what that means. It basically means... I'm more of a man because I'm not afraid of who I am, and I can freely express myself instead of hide behind smokes and insults. I mean notice all the people who are total jerks when they're with their friends? Yeah I hate those guys the most. But hey, if they think calling us "Fags" or "Fairies" will bring us down... Well then I hope they live well. I mean how can someone possibly have an awesome life when they can't even be themselves?

Eat some fruit. I'm sick, you might catch it.

Speaking of Men... It pisses...

So i've been walking around the school, earth and well in my acting class... And well i hear lots of people say the word "Fag" lately... I mean people say it to me practically everyday, which i really don't care about, I mean I am. So why should it matter to when people are honest to me? What i really don't like is how they say "fag" in general. I mean one, its rude to people who aren't even if you are joking and its also rude to people who are. All i want to say is, I want you to think about what you say before you say it. Its rude to many others.
Example: I went to a beach during the Summer and well its sort of a gay hangout, they were like everywhere. I know gays are people... But i like to specify ok? So I was reading a sign and it said something like "No inflatables" and i was like "OMG, that's so gay" Needless to say, it was offensive to others. Even if I am gay i have no right to degrade us. It only makes it ok for others to do it then. [Yes Mean Girls refrence... If you got it]

You gotta stop calling each other Sluts and Whores. I only lets guys call you Sluts and Whores. -Tina Fey

School life?

So i had lots of school junk to do... I mean the only hard courses i have this semester are... Biology... Oh thats it.... Math's my easiest subject... I'd say best... But then i'd be lying haha Nah math's ok, I might become a math teacher you know! I only wanna do it because well... Two month vaycay? And I get to see the future children of the future... I wanna know how hard it actually is for other teachers out there... And I wanna meet the gay people of the future... I mean what if i meet another me! I know... I'm not gonna be a teacher... But trying to be a Cloud like i did when i was in grade 2-3 isn't going to work out for me anymore!

So I have Math English Bio and Acting. I don't know if I can act... No one will be honest enough to tell me... They just go "Yeah you're great" I mean seriously... I will switch out if I can't act I'm not some kid who gets hurt easily. (:
  English is way easy I mean i have my favourite teacher, [Fr]ancium is in my class, way awesome. He looks at me with his cute little boyish face (: And did i mention [Br]omine is in my Bio! Yes lots of eyecandy this semester!
I think thats all my school life?

Not many italics or bolds this time around eh? Oh yeah! I'm in the Play! Yes I forgot to mention. I got into our environmental play! Yes, yes. I am David Suzuki... I hope it isn't like a two worded part... I mean haha I'm very happy i got a part while many others didn't. But I don't know... I really wanted to be in "I Hate You, I Love You" But i'm not, oh well its life. Oh! But i'm doing PR which is Public Relations like ticket selling or posters and sponsors... I rather call it Personal Relatioins... I mean I personally want our play to go really well...

So in April! I hope to see you there! And in May!

I will see you right?

Feb 11, 2010

Eh... So long right? Full Update though!

Ok so i'm sure its been like 50 years since my last post am I right? LOL
Well this one isn't the most happiest either though D: I mean... Nothing exciting has happened yet D: so yeah... But i have bad news people! I haven't seen Trevor in like... So long!! Yeah i'm even thinking he either Quit or got fired! I bet he just took time off since... Well he's a smart person (: OR OMG. He found out about this blog and then he read this and got freaked out and then he quit his job so then i wouldn't see him anymore! Like one of those defence kinda things ):

  But then on a lighter note, you know [Fr]ancium>? Yeah well he's in my one of my classes as you may know. And well I had a final today... Well practice haha. So as i did it... When thinking, i kinda looked over to him? I know bad thing right? But i did and he looked so. Freaking. Cute. Yes when he isn't talking to a friend or looking at people, like when he thinks no one is looking at him and he's concentrating on something... He looks so cute! Like a little boy (: But then whenever i walk by his house... I feel this feeling of hope... Like i want him to walk out and like run into me or anything! I don't mind! Really (:

Uh... I hung out with Spica A LOT, my internet on my phone is back... So expect alot of tweeting... [AHotTrannyMess] I'm not a tranny btdubs...

Oh! I LOVE acting class so much, like its illegal, I mean i get to wear a dress yes a dress its really tasteful! Its purple... But since I'm a guy the zipper wont close... So Flora got me this sash thingy that covered it! It was TRES BELLE!! (:

I auditioned for the school play also! I hope i get a part! The parts will be posted tomorrow! [Fingers crossed!] Yeah for sure I'll tweet if i get anything!!!

I'm getting new glasses on Saturday too! I think, or next saturday! They kind of look like this... I think those ARE the ones! LOL

Anyways... I think thats it (:

"Oooh! This necklace really brings out my breasts!" - Cordellia

Feb 5, 2010


And about yesterday... Radeken, "Buddy", others and I saw will.i.am I KNOW. Its CRAZY who knew he was a furry (:

Furry fur, and stunt doubles.

So today I went to my friend Radeken's and maybe my friend? I dunno, maybe he likes me not sure... Anyways, I went to his gathering, it was all these furry lovers.
   For those who don't know what furry is its like... A kind of anime where its... Animal.... Porn haha... Reminds me of my new ringtone: totally awesome "river flows in you" out of no where, how are you guys with your porn  LOL yeah it was so funny! Anayways, so yeah... You may think OMG, SUCH FREAKS. ANIMAL PORN. Uh yeah, that's just rude. I mean some people who are like obsessed with anime things like that... I mean some take it to a level where they still live with their mom and are balding and about 500pounds. But most of them are genuinely normal people.
So we went to the gathering. I mean at first... I didn't know what to think... I'm not really into the whole animal thing o.O and I don't watch much anime since... I had that phase in gr5-9... Yeah i'm more of a white washed guy now... I mean in gr5-10 it was MEGA ASIAN MUSIC! and i always did ">< o.O == T^T XD X) X( etc." but now i'm so white its like unreal... Yeah UNREAL.
So when I got there with Radeken and "Buddy" it was so odd for me... I was like "i know no one D:" and it was me and Radeken... and then after a while... More people showed and then there were two guys who stood out. A cute guy who was kinda immature [totally cute]. And a HOT stunt double guy. Yeah they have separate stories....

   So the cute immature one, Radeken doesn't like him. But i kinda think he's funny and really random... And maybe I'm wierd.. But I think he's taken? By some really frumpy looking guy... I mean he was all over him. He was BALDING for one. and everytime he bent down... MAJOR ASS CRACKAGE! I think i got a picture LOL Anyways... Yeah totally cute. He also wore glasses on the top of his head, and i was lik "Come on put it on for like 2 seconds!" And he was like, "Nah, its only for like style... And when I drive" I mean LOL i found it funny... The way he said it.... Oh and he had this collar on him, omg it said "Bad... something" but it was cool... It had some spikes... But the rest probs fell off haha. And he made some dog sounds at time... But oddly i found it cute o.O i know people in my school do cat meows... And i just wanna slap them LOL

Now kiddies... There was one totally hot guy there. He wore a hat... And he smoked... And he had this collor that was SO FRICKEN CUTE! It had a little paw print on it! Totally blues clues! And he never talked or looked at me... But then I was trying to test my camera on my phone... And it was directed to him and he was like "What did you just take a picture of?" and I'm like "Oh, no its my phone it makes that sounds when i text... I didn't take a picture of you LOL, don't be so egotistical (: " and then he smiles and goes yeah "something about him being in the film industry and how he meets celebs" and im like "OMFG NEIL PATRICK HARRIS" "No..." "Damn" "He's probably not that important" [I wanted to be like BITCH NO.] haha but im nice so i didn't. So then he starts talking to me about his phone and my phone and how he met zac effron and really wanted to slap him LOL, I know by the sounds of it I like that guy too. And then yeah... I'm sure he was grilling me for the picture LOL and yeah I was talking to him... But then Radeken kept trying to rush me out the door, and mr SD was like looking at me through a crowded little hallway, he seemed genuinely interested in talking to me :D but yeah we had to leave early... Cuz "Buddy" was upset and Radeken didn't like the whore anyways.

So all in all IT WAS REALLY FUN. Well awkward, but fun! Radeken and I really bonded... Hes REALLY NICE TO LAY ON. Most guys or girls im friends with... They usually aren't comfy whats so ever.

B*tch no Neil Patrick Harris IS IMPORTANT

Feb 3, 2010


TREVOR, hasn't been at work for a LONG TIME
Naturally I'm worried ):

Risky Risking.

So I'm sure that the only people who read this know me pretty well. And if y'all don't I'll tell you.

I'm a very shallow person. I mean come on, every five seconds i base people on their looks. I mean my policy is: "They're all hot... Until I realize they aren't" I mean i'm sure there are a lot of sweet, funny gay guys or males in general out there. But then i base "hottness" on their looks. That's really not good.... ): And yeah no surprise, they're usually really "douchy" guys. And I don't use that word loosley folks. And to be honest it was one guy in particular that got me realizing i was gay. It was in gr9, science class.

      I sat right in front of one of the HOTTEST GUYS i had EVER been bestowed the honour of witnessing. I mean my elementary school was OMG SO LAME I mean no offense, I do not want to come off as racist but my old elementary school was filled with Brown people, and no, they weren't nice to anyone of "autre colours" I mean i don't know about my other friends, like my white ones... But i was chinese and OMG THEY WERE SO MEAN they would talk about you behind your back... Or in front of you in FRONT of you.. D: yeah. And I know its totally odd of me... But I'm only into white guys, well majority.... My policy for white guys are "All of them are cute unless... They're underage... Or if they turn around" Yeah, i know... I'm a horrible person... So with my elementary school filled with only people of a majority of mean males... I only had female friends, and I still didn't fit in... Lame.
  Moving on with my life, so I sat in front of him, and to people who go to my school... This'll be like way too obvious, but I'm going to rename him anyways... [Br]omine. (: So yeah he was hot to me... [I mean TBH i don't know what i saw in him, he was mean, he always looked and sounded high... Actually gets high and drunk.... Did I mention? He's really smart for some reason... o.O (But i don't wanna be mean, i'm sure he tries in school)]So I liked him for two years... I know, two years wasted on some straight guy who and i quote, says, "Gay guys are wierd, marriage is only for a man and woman" Uh... Yeah, I mean all those divorces, domestic violence reports and rapes? Yeah fun, fun, fun.
   Now! I have gotten over him... Actually on Sept.1! Yeah i know, I'm awesome, but then I've realized... I really like really like guys with really cute smiles... Hence my liking of... "[Fr]ancium" or "Insert wittily thought up name here"... I mean they're like the king of douches. Well one of them is really polite... and also really nice... But in front of his friends he's a total ass... I mean some people, I mean more people would probably like you for WHO YOU ARE... I know i would ): and one... Well he's just a douche in general... And his voice makes him sound like nothing goes on in his head D: And OMG HIS FACE?! He looks like he's constantly pissed! Its so crazy... And like when he's not with his friends... Ok story:
                                                                  So it was after school, I had to go to my sister's school to pick her up. On the way there [i took the shortcut where its usually unpopulated] i like almost slipped down the hill.. So embarrassing and guess who was there? Yeah Francium... He saw and laughed and was like, "It just rained, I don't blame you" and I'm like EXCUSE ME!? YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THAT. But then I smile and kinda get all hot... He smiles like not, "loser" smile but like "Haha, you're so odd [in a good way]" And yeah, in my classes i have/had with him... He'd always talk about me and like give me a look... Not a "freak" look but just a look that i can't describe....
  Don't get me wrong people, I'm not calling him gay... Thats too movie to be true... I'm just saying, I always think the mean, douchey, so-called hot white guys are the HOTTEST 

Ps. I've fallen for some asians before... I mean it was after they've fallen for me... So i'm sorta old news to them... I guess I'm into looks for whites and personalities for others.... That doesn't make me totally shallow does it?

I'm not shallow... I just splash around in the kiddie pool.