Feb 22, 2010

A response!

Anonymous said...
it's hard to be the definition of a "man" if you like men...

as for your friend, if he is proud to be who he is, he wouldn't have been offended in anyway at what those people at the smokepit said.

Think about it...
if a group of homosexuals said to a straight couple, "gona go make-out Heterosexuals?"
you think that's going to effect them in any way?

and as for, "And they think they're cooler when they call us gays "Fags", that's just pure speculation. Try not to state something you personally think is what they are doing.

----Out of all the Comments I've recieved... I actually haven't read anything like this. And to whoever wrote this? Thank you for voicing your opinion! I really appreciate it (:

But as a response I'd just like to say, my friend is kind of proud, but he's insecure as I said, so he does let things like that offend him.

And yeah I thought about it, and I find it odd, I don't think heterosexuals would be offended possibly because they're the majority of the world and its mostly accepted with many people, I haven't met anyone against Hetrosexuality, have you? But Homosexuality? Now thats something a lot of people will argue against. What I think I'm trying to say is, if you're more accepted among people then you'd less likely be bothered by comments like that.

I wouldn't say its pure speculation, I know some people who know other people and lots of them say that some of the smokers do think they're way cooler and far more superior because they aren't gay and they can talk sh*t about them. This is based on a quote I was told a while back.
...I mean seriously?

I really don't want to sound Condescending... Sorry

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