Feb 17, 2010

Speaking of Men... It pisses...

So i've been walking around the school, earth and well in my acting class... And well i hear lots of people say the word "Fag" lately... I mean people say it to me practically everyday, which i really don't care about, I mean I am. So why should it matter to when people are honest to me? What i really don't like is how they say "fag" in general. I mean one, its rude to people who aren't even if you are joking and its also rude to people who are. All i want to say is, I want you to think about what you say before you say it. Its rude to many others.
Example: I went to a beach during the Summer and well its sort of a gay hangout, they were like everywhere. I know gays are people... But i like to specify ok? So I was reading a sign and it said something like "No inflatables" and i was like "OMG, that's so gay" Needless to say, it was offensive to others. Even if I am gay i have no right to degrade us. It only makes it ok for others to do it then. [Yes Mean Girls refrence... If you got it]

You gotta stop calling each other Sluts and Whores. I only lets guys call you Sluts and Whores. -Tina Fey

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