Feb 17, 2010

I'm more of a man than you'll ever be.

Now moving on to something more important:

When people call me a "Fag" i get over it, but when they say it to my friend? Yeah, not gonna fly buddy. A friend and I were walking home one day, he's really feminine and he dresses like that too... So yeah self-explanitory? So we walk by the smoke pit by my school because he lives where the path leads to. There are always those hot guys or those utterly UGLY druggies and stuff... And they think they're cooler when they call us gays "Fags" yeah haha, no. So we walk by and one of them goes, "Gonna go make-out fags?!" And well... My friend was obviously offended because even if he is overly effeminite he is very self-concious so i get pissed off and he looks upset. So i walk up to them and I say, "I may be a fag, but I'm more of a man than you'll ever be."
    And unfortunetly some people don't understand what that means. It basically means... I'm more of a man because I'm not afraid of who I am, and I can freely express myself instead of hide behind smokes and insults. I mean notice all the people who are total jerks when they're with their friends? Yeah I hate those guys the most. But hey, if they think calling us "Fags" or "Fairies" will bring us down... Well then I hope they live well. I mean how can someone possibly have an awesome life when they can't even be themselves?

Eat some fruit. I'm sick, you might catch it.


  1. it's hard to be the definition of a "man" if you like men...

    as for your friend, if he is proud to be who he is, he wouldn't have been offended in anyway at what those people at the smokepit said.

    Think about it...
    if a group of homosexuals said to a straight couple, "gona go make-out Heterosexuals?"
    you think that's going to effect them in any way?

    and as for, "And they think they're cooler when they call us gays "Fags", that's just pure speculation. Try not to state something you personally think is what they are doing.

  2. You're the man, man!


Anything is possible. And yes, links to pictures of beautiful boys ARE encouraged.