Jan 31, 2010

My Whole Magical Plan

My friend... Lets call her ARDENE LOL Told me she reads my blog, which it totally sweet! I mean lol i didn't think anyone besides like... Selena, Jenny... I think thats it LOL read it... You know unless i force them! So yeah, this one is my Feb plan....

I have a feeling its not gonna work, but eh... I think the joy is in thinking it up and pretending to do it. So here it is:
                                                  So for gr12 i wanna be one of those hot guys people remember and go: OMFG. THAT GUY IS SO HOT!! I mean hello? Gr12 are SUPPOSED to be hot!! I mean i think some are... Well some at our school are like ew... But anyways here starting tomorrow [Feb.1] I will wake up at 6am and exercise for like... 1hr and then i'll shower and junk, then my mom makes some disgusting green drink that has like peppers, bitter melon, apple? Its SO GROSS. But it makes you lose weight like CRAZY, then for lunch i'm going to eat like so much less... And yeah that takes out random junk food after school. And of course for dinner LESS MEAT MORE GREEN VEGGIE-TABLES (: Oh yeah... More water, cuz thats good for you!

Yeah i highly doubt this is gonna happen.. I mean for one I WORK AT ORANGE JULIUS two... I'm too lazy to wake up tomorrow D: And today i had 3 hot dogs... Yeah... Im gonna die obease and i wont make it to the reunion which our school should have btw... I mean cuz if we don't i'm gonna slap someone (:

Jan 28, 2010

I've Gained Some Courage....

Ok so i was hanging out with my friends Jenny, Kenny and Jamaica. And hell it was SO MUCH FUN. Like it felt ILLEGAL. I mean im sorry i may have left you out Kenny ): But i didn't mean to, its just Jenny... LOL W&G reference! Ok... So on the Skytrain back with Mary-anna added and Jamaica deleted, we were talking about how i should go up and seduce Trevor into talking to me? Or think im cool... Nice or anything good... Anyways, some random guy tried to teach me how to talk to guys, awkward... But a nice gesture. (: Anyways I had gathered some courage... And i thought ot wonderful scenarios... Here they are! Tell me what you think, and/or what should i have instead!? Is it too creepy? Is it ok?

If he's with people, like the second cashier, the lady or the cute jerk.... There's two ways to go at this....
A: if no one is there, I will go up and say hey, how’s working today? He’ll say something generic and ill be like awesome/that sucks, I work at oj and sometimes its crazy because some customers come and ask for like a milkshake and we don’t have those, and of course they get mad at me.... Then he'd laugh, and id say oh sorry I didn’t wanna bore you with my life story, anyways ill get the classic Green Tea Frappicino tall this time, I don’t wanna get too fat. And of course the whipped cream on the bottom. And ill say oh speaking of WC did you try it. And for this scenario he'll say yes and ill go Haha! Was it good? He says yes, ill go Haha that’s awesome! So remember me Micah! The guy who orders good reversed drinks, but if he says no or no difference ill say OMG! Uh… then he has to say his name, and ill go Haha Oh Trevor? That’s a nice name, anyways, Omg Trevor you are crazy Haha, but to each their own (: so then I go oh snap sorry I must be boring you to death…. Anyways card and balance, he gives it. I say Hahaha merci (:

Now B
He’s busy and I let the person behind me first and I go wait for him and I go up and I say, ok so after my ponder-ation, which should totally be a word, you know even if it isn’t Haha. Then I go so a classic Green Tea Frap Haha tall this time, I mean I went to the gym this morning and I don’t want to gain TOO much of it back Haha. [You know to make him think I'm like the exercising type] then I say but then again I work at OJ so I'll gain it back and then some Haha. Then I go Oh man I shouldn’t bore you with my life story… So anyways, GTF tall and of course the whipped cream on the bottom, speaking of that have you tried it? And he says no, I say DUDE! Wait EW no, that’s to poseur, mind if I catch your name? “Trevor. Oh nice name I'm Micah” anyways Trevor, that’s crazy try it one day Kay? “Yeah” “ok promise me? Haha kidding, I don’t want to sound creepy. Oh yeah ok, card and balance, merci!

Now when alone, if he’s busy then ill just do it normally
If he’s not ill go, hey how’s work today? Dead? And he'll say something generic like yeah totally. And ill go, Haha well you know better than being busy, no time to breath or think Haha. Anyways ill get the classic GTF and whipped cream on the bottom, and then the whole ending thing...

Yeah thats it... I'm gonna learn those lines so i dont mess up! But tell me do i sound lame? Like a douche? Tell me!! (: [Comments children!]

He-White sounds so much cooler than white
Cool Heh-Whip.

Jan 25, 2010

Long time no egotism!

Ok so, my last one was about the New Heights Festival well this one post is about that day, before the festival started. That moment changed... My outlook on life, haha you know me the Drama Princess.
So here's the scoop:
                               I was to go to the NHF but before that i was to meet my friends Jenny and Spica there! Spica brought his other friend, i'll name her... Two name (: Cuz she has like 20 haha. JKJK So I met with them, and I know it sounds creepy, cuz it probably is. I always go to the mall... To see Trevor, and because i have awesome memory I remembered when he'd be working... Wednesdays always, maybe Mondays. Saturdays and Sundays are kind of like off chances but never Thursdays or Fridays. I know it sounds creepy, but i'm sorry. I just remember when people work! Like there's this asian lady who works only on mondays and wednesdays... But once i saw her on a Thursday I had to check my phone cuz I was like "EXCUSE ME" haha

Ok to the story:
                       So because i was knowing when he was working, i walked by... And all day Jenny was saying and i quote, "I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE GREEN TEA FRAP" can you spell addict? Hahah, jkjk. So we went there and as Jenny [And i say this loosely] gracely walks to the counter I slowly walk in, you know checking if Trevor was working always gotta make sure people! So i wait in line, and as i talk very loudly like... Well always, i see him looking up at us again... It wasn't one of those "OMG, THEYRE HERE AGAIN!?" but one of those ""Omg! They're here again!!! (:" So i wait in line hoping that girl or random cute jerk doesn't help me... I mean i've been waiting long enough!! And to add a bonus... I was wearing my "Gay is the new black" t-shirt, which i love btw! So lucky me! I get to go up! So i walk to him and I smile, he smiles back... And well MELT! So he looks at my shirt, smiles and says, "What can i get for you" and i go "Oh uh... *looks at the menu just you know to stall for time* and say "Grande Green Tea Frappicino... With Whipped Cream on the Bottom!" [Seriously try it, its so good!] he starts to tap the screen normally then he stops looks up at me and says "On the bottom?" and i smile and go "Yeah! I don't know why its so wierd... I mean its SO much more easier to mix! And it somehow tastes better to me..." and he smiles... I dont know if its a "OMG loser" or a "Haha, you're so cute, I just wanna put YOUR Whipped Cream... _____" yeah haha So he smiles and says "Haha, i'll try that on my next break" and i smile and say "Yeah you should! It'll taste AWESOME" so then he gets the cup and in his Beautifully Neat and Nice writting he writes "WC on the bottom GTF" and as he writes he mumbles to himself "Does that mean its reversed... or... uh.. mummble" But then he shrugs and looks back up and smiles, i hand him my card. And he looks at it and smiles [I named it Swarley. I wonder if he saw that or if he was just laughing at me in general] And then he says "Want your balance?" and i go "Hahah, yeah i have to know... I'm probably in the Negatives..." And he smiles again and gives it back you know after he stares at it for 30min haha and goes "22.65"

Well anyways... Thats pretty much it... Isnt he so cute!?!??! I took a picture of the cup... I know creepy. And yes that marks the day of my FIRST meeting, with more than one word with the delicious Trevor! (:

Gay is the new Black.

Jan 21, 2010

A Theory and a Life Story

So i had this AWESOME fully thought out theory to share with you. i mean i wanna stick with the spirit of this awesome blod! But then i have a AWESOME life story! It happened today! I don't know what to put first! Comment and help me decide!!

Soon to be updated tomorrow im guessing?

Today was AWESOME

Ok so today i went to a thing called "New Heights Festival" at my school which uh... RULED! It was where all the drama classes put together plays and then showed it all it ran for like 4 hours LOL
Anyways, i dedicate this post to Selena my GOOD friend, i'm totally mean to her, but she totally gets it and doesn't get offended. She says she's gonna start a blog soon, I'll keep you posted haha.

Anyways in her play directed by my good friends Amy, Danielle and Elena. It was really good. I don't think Selena had a name haha, but she played a psycho character, lots of emotion! She had to like scream, laugh, get angry, and i think almost cry! It was crazy. But she won two awards two. And well yeah, the play was really funny! It was called Burmuda shorts haha, you know like the shorts? Yeah i'm not making this uyp (: And Addie, Lara[?], Jazzmin, Heba, Dustin and Virgina was in it. It was tres excellent!

Yeah, the other plays were very good too! Like my friend Liam's! He had two, he's in 2 directing classes and one acting i think? I really liked it! Esp. where he plays a guy named timmy after a guy named timmy in me photog class haha! And my friend Sean's play was good too! It was a silent play where he would narrate it was very funny! And then Nick and Alexis'! It was good, emotional! It was based after the emphisised version on the school stereotypes, and the 7 sins. Very powerful! And then there was My friends Nisha and Sarah, their play was about a guy named colin i think? He was a guy in juvie, it was ok. Funny but some parts i didn't really understand haha. There were 4 videos, by belinda, tahiyat, elena, stephanie. It was good! It won an award! It was called no pressure i think? It was about not conforming! Hahaha.
Anyways, i cant think of more, i'm sleepy... And i have a HUGE chem test tomorrow! So i'm gonna rest up!

Congrats awesome actors/actresses and directors!!

Jan 18, 2010

Totally Valid Theory

Ok so whenever I see Trevor you know [If you've read my blog at least once, i don't think i always have to link you hahaha.] yeah so if i see him... He like never has a closing shift, which i find is odd ):

So when i see him and he has an early shift something wierd happens...
Story time!
So like i say, when i see him there is always and I mean always one guy who comes. He has like... Uh... Hair is kinda like shaved but half growing back. Its a very VERY VERY cute blonde. Its like woah. Ok and so he comes with hsi nice big sweater, jeans and sneakers and he has this one big grey binder. [I wonder whats in it!] And then he comes with his totally many sexy voice and says "Can i get a Large Pina Colada with a Banana please?" and im always thinking [OMFG CUTE AND HAS MANNERS] Ooh reminds me of a little story:
                                          Ok so I went to awesome friend's birthday party yesterday, and after our awesome downtowning we went back to her house. He brother and her brother's friend was there. He has that whole emo thing going on skinny jeans, emo hair and well anyways. I walked by her bro's room and saw the bed and emo was sitting on it so i said to him "Oh hey! My cousin has bed sheets like that!" and he looked kinda scared but said it very cutely "Oh... Uh... Thats not my bed... Im just friends with Josh" and im like "Oh... But it doesnt change the fact its the same haha" and then Josh went into the room and like slammed the door shut, but it totally didnt slam shut. Then i see emo walk up slowly and close the door nice polietly and quietly haha it was so cute! And like later that night he had the phone [it rang obv] anf he was all "Uh... Josh's mom, the phone's for you" I mean OMFG. He was so ADORABLE! And polite!!! I mean my child is totally gonna be like him!! Omg... Look at me totally fawning over a GR8!! I feel like a cougar! (:
Ok back to the story. So That pina colada guy was so cute!! And well here's the odd part... He looks exactly like Trevor from Starbucks. If you minus the hair, the jeans, the sweater and the shoes and add black dress pants, shoes and shirt and some hot brown hair. They look JUST THE SAME. Yeah odd.

So theory, he and Trevor are either Twins... Or PC guy... IS Trevor!! I mean he coud have like a wig on! LOL I mean hello, its CRAZY! And PC guy was totally into me (:

Whenever he comes i'm always like "Oh back again? Large Pina Colada add Banana right?" and he smiles and says "I'm glad you remember me, yes (:" and so yeah. But this wednesday I was working with Selena, you know selena? Asian in love with Cameron [barf] and yeah. So she spilled and im not kidding she SPILLED 3-berry blast all over my blackberry!!! [Thank good nothing happened to "BlackJeans" (its it's name] so i go back and im all OMFG!! SELENA!! and i come back out to pour his drink [i made extra by accident] and i say "Oops... If i made extra... You can still have it (smile and wink)" he laughs and totally shows his delicious teeth. And to make conversation as i pour i say "Omg, she spilled 3-berry all over my blackberry, so ironic right?" and he laughs and says "OMG thats so ironic!! xD" then looks at his blackberry for a few seconds.... Im like OMG MY PIN IS... But yeah, he didnt say it ):

But thats my stories... Trevor man, is he PC? What do you think!? COMMENT!?

Trevor = PC Guy
PC Guy Hot = Just like Trevor
Totally makes sense right?

Jan 14, 2010


Ok, so you know the Trevor character i've been babbling about? [number one: http://mindmymales.blogspot.com/2010/01/really-hot-guys.html ] [number two: http://mindmymales.blogspot.com/2010/01/totally-gonna-do-it.html ]Well... Today... WASN'T the day of judgement.

So i arrived like... A lot of early to see Trevor... But like, yeah he was there. And so was that random chick, her real name is Catherine. Hahaha, yeah i found out. im not a stalker, i just heard it by chance! And well i saw him... I smiled at him, i don't think he saw.

Ok story:
              I arrived there with Jenny, which was an awesome wingwoman btdubs, and she didn't rush me into the whole trevor sitiAtion so its ok with me. And well anyways, we had a whole How I Met Your Mother-gasm. I mean we said so many quotes. And then she ditched us for the WEST49 dudes, psht. Anyways so when we were there... I think i was talking way too loud because he was looking at us, not sure if its a "shut up" kinda look or like "omg he's back" I can't read people well. Ok so he was there, and was looking hot. I needed an excuse to go talk to him. He was cleaning the garbage can, and so i went up and was like "Can I throw it in here" *i looked and i noticed it was just the cover how embarrassing!* but then he looked at me and said, "You can put it in here" and held his bag open. I felt it was a very sexual phrase... But who knows... I mean its like our first sentances to each other. I mean besides "thanks" "hi" or "Im really retarted sorry"

So for the rest of the day, i was really happy and i loved it. And so I told everyone and everyone to go look at him. But then apparently his shift ended a LONG time ago and some other gay guy was there... Story:
                                                                So i went there suring my break. There was no Trevor, but some random tall guy with black hair, he was gay. Ok so i went there... Cuz well i already had entered the fort haha. So it went like this *i walk up* and he smiles and goes, "what can i get for you" and im like "can i get a small strawberries and creme" and he was like "oh... no..." and im like "Omg i know!! But i hadnt had one in like months so i think i deserve it!" and he like gave me a disapproving look and said "want your balance?" and im like "eh sure why not" and then he gave it to me "26$" and im like "Omg ew! Im like so poor!!" and hes like "Oh,, yeah totally..." and im like "Oh yeah and whipped cream on the bottom" and hes all "You mean like reversed?" and im like "Im cool like that" then spica was all "I introduced him into that, etc" and im like "LOL NO YOU DIDNT" (: Anyways while he gave it to me he was like "Want more on the top" and im like "nah im not that fat" so he gives me a cute smile, i return it... But I mean fine, be sarcastic == But i found his sarcasm like either douchey or just really cute, i couldn't tell. I mean he's no Trevor, but hey. I talked to him WAY more to him than ive ever talked to Trevor! Anyways, Starbucks is always full of surprises! LOL

------I've actually never seen any hot ot cute guys working in Starbucks... Straight ones!! I mean all i see are gay, i mean hello! I know Gaydars aren't good... [ http://mindmymales.blogspot.com/2009/12/gaydar.html ] But... They aren't out of wack but they work! Sometimes... If you're Westaphone!

Want some more on the top?
                                              I'm not that fat!

Jan 11, 2010

Totally gonna do it.

Ok, so you know how i've been talking on and on about the same guy? And how i haven't done anything to you know... Get him to notice me? Well... I hope he's gonna be at the mall on Friday because i'm going there, and yes if he's there i will talk to him. Jenny, remember her? The awesome girl? [http://mindmymales.blogspot.com/2010/01/little-quickie-by-ally.html] and well... She had this "hang out" the other day, and man am i jealous. Neil, and Dr. Horrible. Yeah.... Envious. Envious. Haha, I'm only joking, but good job Jenny, i consider you Legen... wait for it.... DARY!
So yeah if i see him i'm gonna text Jenny, and see if she's available, if not i'd have to go solo. Here's my plan:
                   With Jenny: We're gonna casually walk up, and if he isn't gonna be serving us, we nicely let the person behind us go first. Jenny will say, "Haaaavvvvvve you met Micah?" and Trevor will be like "No, i haven't" and then i will already "casually popped gum into my mouth for hot flavour" and we will strike a convo, and we will be awe.... wait for it... SOME!
                   Solo: I'm gonna pop some delicious gum into my mouth and casually walk over to the counter, you know if he's serving me if not.... Then the person behind me can go first. Then i'll smile and say, "You know, i've always wondered what its like to work in starbucks... Is it as... Awesome as people say?" and he will be all "Well, its good, etc. etc."

Yeah thats what i'm thinking... It really needs to be fixed up, so you know in the comment box, please just write something and tell me how you think or @AHotTrannyMess on twitter and tell me what you think, don't worry i promise from now on all comments will be approved! (:

Sometimes you just gotta grab life by the Meatballs.

Jan 10, 2010

A little quickie by the ally.

Ok so its about 1150 i have 10min to finish this, will i make it? You will never know haha. Ok so this one is about my good random happenstance friend Jenny, people call her Jennifer? Which is SO 19th century! What up! So this post is didicated to her (:

My good friend Jenny promises to be there when i get the balls to say hi to "Trevor" Oh yes, she'll be there. Wingwoman style! What up!
She is very VERY alternative its like crazy, you know how i don't know anything about boys? And well, same for her. But its unfair cuz shes a girl and she's allowed not to. (:

Ok so hint hint this isnt some gossip blog, so thats all i'll indulge.
But she is very awesome, and well when i first say hi to "Trevor", i will not be asking for a drink oh no. I will be asking for more than that.... [Hence the title] Hahah.
Anyways, I will man up [haha] and say hi to "Trevor"
Also she has piercing red eyes, so if some random chicks go up to her for a new moon sig... Yeah i told her to be cautious.

What up?


Ok boys and well... I guess Girls, i dunno who reads this. But im sure i offend the girls who read this [Jenny and Amy] Anyways, today [January.9th] marks the day of my horrible future cuz you know... I ruined it. So here it is:
                                                                                 So today i went to the mall with my awesome friends Amy and Katrina, I went by Starbucks about.... 50 times you know to see if maybe he was there. And he wasnt ): But thats not the point. I went there finally cuz well i gave up, and Amy wanted a drink haha. So i went there and the girl who messed up my giftcard thing? Yeah her, if you dont get it then i suggest [ http://mindmymales.blogspot.com/2010/01/really-hot-guys.html ] Ok so i saw her, and there was a cute-ish i dont remember, but i'll assume he was cute guy was with her. So i went up there to them and he say "Hey" but i totally blew him off [not in the fun way (;] and said to the girl "Hey! I brought real money this time!" and he was all "ok..." [he said it out loud!] So she was all "I dont get it" and im like "My whole gift card ordeal?" and shes like "OH YEAH YOU!" but yeah anyways back to the moral of the story:
                                                                                                      So now about like 5 hours later i think about it and.... I feel really bad. I mean one for totally ignoring some guy! And then for ruining my future because well... He works with "Trevor" and then hes probably gonna be like "Omg there was some loser here" and then like one day im gonna show up [like every time im at the mall] and then he's gonna be all "Trevor thats him!" and then Trevor is gonna think im a loser, and all connection to how hot he is... is well GONE!

So what do you think? My whole future with the hot Trevor is now gone isnt it? Yeah... And i got a haircut, its super short. And im not used to it, i dont think trevor will like it. ): Oh well... I have to find a new boy... Like thats possible. Trevor was like hot.

Jan 6, 2010

Really Hot... Guys.

So I work at the mall... Damn are the Men in suits, Teens [over 16 LOL], Daddies and well the male population in general are so freaking hot. I love working in the mall, i mean i love seeing the men walk by, playing dog to their Girlfriends/Wives/Booty Calls.
But I think it was somewhere before Christmas i met/saw the hottest employee ever, he not only was beautiful, but he's totally gay. I know, I know "Don't be so damn stereotypical b*tch!" But... Think, he has the worlds most feminine voice, does these hand movements [Unless he's a very and i mean very metro i doubt he's straight], his nice smile when i'm about to walk up....
Ok back story:
                      So, it was a few days before christmas, a Thursday, but not a Thursday like any other. But before then I was introduced to the wonderous product called "A Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha" by the wonderous Jason, he bought me a Venti one! Now thats splurgging on a stranger haha, i made him promise to buy me a coffee, and he said yes. So it made me happy. Anyways, so i was craving one. I went in, and there i was met with a line, but not just any line. A line of fate. I was waiting in line, then i saw this really hot guy, hair styled like me, obviously he has good taste! He had a beautiful voice and a wonderful smile. When i was about to go order something it was with him, i'll name him Trevor, so as i was walking towards trevor he smiled at me and i kinda well... smiled... So yes i was walking up to him, but then some old man like cuts and goes in between us! And hes all "Do you sell that gingerbread thing here?" and his smile faded and he looks at that old man and is all "Uh yeah we do, what can i get for you?" I'm like dude! But then some fugly girl, well she wasnt really, she was really pretty but she didnt look like him so yeah. She was all "HEY!" So i say [you know to confirm him i was in fact a flamboyant gay] "Ok my ex-boyfriend ALWAYS got coffee for me... So i'm gonna have to guess, do you have white chocolate mocha here?" "Yes...." "Ok.. A uh... Medium one? Oh peppermint flavour! And can i get the whipping cream on the bottom?!" [Always easier to mix, try it out] and she's all "Uh... Can we do that? No one's ever asked before... I can give you a bigger cup" He was watching us and he laughed when i said:  "But... I mean... Its just whipped cream, put it on the bottom and be all "TADA!"" and he kinda made me blush, but i like refused to say hello or anything to him ): Anyways, so as i wait for my drink [its a counter where you wait at the end] So he makes an excuse and leaves the till and takes a random towel and walks around to my side of the counter and starts to "fix" the counter, you know napkins and stuff, he pics up a jug and pours out the milk and is all "Oh better refill that" and totally is looking me up and down as he walks by me, just to add more to his "metro"-ness. And well i walked away after that, but he was fine. Like omg, i'd tap that and then some. Or as my friend says, "I'd make him get me pregnant so we can stay together forever" Creepy but funny haha.
*Upsetting part*
Everytime i go to "visit" him or "want a coffee" i bring my money and junk and walk by to you know, see if he's there to be able to make a move and talk to him! But he's never there ): Then one day i didn't bring my money or anything and he WAS THERE which totally pissed me off, i had no reason to say hi!

Anyways, today I had my money, and a reason to be there longer than anyone else! So i brought two giftcards, one with 15.33 and one with 50. So i had to switch the 15 and the 50, but im only allowed to keep 20 of the 50 so here is what i had to do:
Step one: Put the 15.33 into the 50
Step two: Take out 30 from the 50+15.33
step three: There is none.
So i went there hoping trevor was there, and guess who was? Trevor! I was so excited, i waited in line, and there was a different girl this time, and well i was in the front then these 3 random asian ladies come, and well the girl is helping a slow old man, so i was like OMG TIME TO GET JIGGY. But then the three asian ladies turn to 3 asian ladies and 2 other random ladies, and it made me upset ): So I went up to her and said, "Ok get ready for this great deal of force task, Everyone gave me like a billion gift cards i dunno why i mean pfft, money works too! [trevor now looks, and kinda smirks or laughs [didnt pay attention]] Can you "explains my steps" the girl had to do it for me, i started work in 10min, but well.. Luckily my manager wasnt working, i was 6 min late! But i spent 16min with Trevor! Anyways So she took a while, she was confused, and i felt bad for making it so hard... And Trevor kept looking at me, i could see from the corner of my eye, but i was too scared to look and say hi... [SORRY "SPICA"] So yeah after she said, you wanna buy a drink? and i should have said, "Oh im late for work, i'll get one during break, you know to see Trevor one more time, stupidly I DIDNT. So i yeah i saw him once today! ): And i kept trying to think of excuses to see him, but i didnt get any... I then saw another gay guy go to work, and it pissed me off cuz they were yacking and having the time of their lives.... I was so jealous. ):

New years resolution: Actually say HI to Trevor, no matter how much it costs me... and at 4$ a shift thats alot! 

Jan 4, 2010


Ok! So this magical number happened while i was in the shower, and yes i don't take baths, i find it gross... I mean sitting in your own filth! Like what is this? The 1660s?! Hahah

So, backstory:
                      i rarely talk on the phone you know... Unless someone calls me or i'm forced to call them... So i guess my mom then. So recently someone i met in the summer called me, it freaked me out. Cuz when i met him i thought he was pretty cute, and he wasnt like the feminine gays, so it was refreshing! But he obviously didnt like me... Anyways he called. I texted him on New years i dunno why, but i texted the people i havent conversed with in a while so yeah. He didnt know who i was, so he called to see if he could figure out who i was through my voice. Yeah he didnt know who it was... I told him my name, he thought it was someone else... I mean Micah isnt that common ): Anyways we talked for a while... Until my mom yelled at me for not doing my homework, ah moms, what will we do without them? Oh yes, we wouldnt be born... Unless you have one of those pregnant men, but thats besides the point. So important part: I thought it went great, fantastic in a way, he laughed. I laughed... I think i may have been flirting... Well i dunno, people say im a flirt. So i think it went great.

This is what popped in my head: Did he think it was great?
I mean think about it. When you talk to someone and you think it went great... Do you ever wonder if the other person enjoyed it?
What if s/he wanted to make as many excuses as possible to leave?
What if s/he thinks you talk to much?
What if s/he wasn't laughing with you, but at you?

Thats alot to think about.
But it's not like you could recall them and be all "Hey! How was our conversation? Did you have fun? I had fun." Yeah that'd be lame right?
Talking to a guy i thought hated me, but i guess not! But this was the FIRST thing we've ever said to each other
Him: "So how was that socials test?"
Me: "Oh it was good, i did good. Did you do good?" *sh*t*

Him: "Uh.. yeah"
Nothing can be as lame as that haha.
But it'd be nice if you had some mind reading power and just be like, oh damn he hated it or oh damn he loved it. But it all depends on if s/he calls back right? I mean I would never call him, im not the caller? Im the callee. Like i don't ask people out, they ask me. Omg im starting to sound like a total egotistical batch. What i mean is, i don't have enough nerve to call them...

But what if they are like that too?
If you dont call... And they dont call... Who ends up calling? Yeah, your mom. Like literally though, i'm pretty sure your mom would call, you know to bring your hope up, its what moms do. "Merry christmas son!" "Omg! what is it! Socks... Not the nice ones... But blank ones..." "It was on sale! Your welcome" Something like that.

So, are you gonna call? Or should I?

Jan 2, 2010

A Thought!

So i had one a long time ago, but i've decided to post it now, i mean i wrote it down so i'm ok with that.

My new years DAY:
So i thought this new years would be just like any other day: Don't breathe to deep, Don't think all day. Dive into work. [RENT refrence] But then today was filled with... Events. None of which were good, but then while sitting at home working on my socials work a thought occured to me. A life changing thought!

[Here is the... Format]
A comment
What i think the world is trying to tell me

The whole working thing.
Yeah i had to wake up at 10am from all that partying of the other day, i dont do drugs or drink so... yeah im safe... But it still sucked haha. It was very very slow, and i guess i just got paid [time and a half] to stand around... Very good.
I guess its kind of important cuz well... I dunno actually... Oh yes, it leads to event number two

It was SO slow that Shantal and I left Lucia to fend for her life from all the nothing waiting in line to get a Julius haha. It was a nice little adventure. I used $4.67 from my $20 giftcard from my mom... And the hot guy who worked there wasn't even working today! Which was a bad incident. Recap: Lost money, and didnt even see the hot guy.
So it gave me an excuse to drink a frap... So good havent had it in... months. And well my giftcard was being lame and it said my balance was $15.33 i wanted to fill it with 67 cents you know... to even it out. It gave me a chance to talk to the cute guy working though... Not the hot one, but hey cute gay guy works for me.
[Y'all might be wondering why i say they're gay? Well I dont wanna be like ugh stereotypical but... I could see it by how he talked and stuff... Gaydar post, it'll answer your questions]

My jeans zipper broke
It was my favourite pair of jeans! And while i was changing back to go somewhere after work somehow the zipper was like ef you kid! And then offed itself... Like literally it just came of. I know what you're thinking "Nah you're just fat." *Reminds me of these two things "Six words to have a girl break up with you, "You look fat in those jeans" and... Day after boxing day i went shopping with my friends and it was me, my friend who's a girl and my gay friend, really hot but hes obv not into me ): anyways, so she came out with these jeans and she was like "Omg these jeans make my butt look big..." and he said without missing a beat, "Hunny, it aint the jeans" LOL* So yeah it broke and i had to walk ALL THE WAY HOME with a billion pairs of socks from ardene's [i love their socks ok (:] and an umbrella... Long story short... My crotch got WET from the rain LOL
So the world's message "Easy access this year" I feel excited... I mean hello! Broken zipper... Obviously im gonna be able to get into someone's pants this year LOL

Fire in my building
I live in a condo so like i literally live with like a billion people, this was like the third fire alarm this week so im like ef it, so i sat on my couch eating my rice, yeah im asian get used to it. So thirty min. later it kept ringing and i smelled smoke so im like OMG so i walked out... In a tshirt, you dont know how cold it was.
I think the world is implying i'm gonna meet a HOT guy so HOT he'll be on fire (:

Waiting in the cold and rain... In a T-Shirt
I stood with the really hot guys on my floor, which is wierd because i didnt know they lived near me, so i was freezing it was raining and the really hot guy beside was all warm, and im like "DUDE WARM ME UP, if you know what i mean" And well... It wasn't out loud... But he gave me a look, psychic? I think so.
So they're basically my neighbours right? And the whole Love Thy Neighbour thing should TOTALLY apply here... But hey, it'll take some time to load~!

Ah yes, the flood from the sprinklers
Walking in the lobby with like... I dont know a lake?! In the pathway got my fav shoes wet! And it went into my socks, but it felt like swimming? I dont know it was sad and upsetting though, i didnt enjoy it. But water was like... Woah flowing and being extreme! Waterfalls were made today.
Come on people, gushing water... Do i need to be anymore obvious... Well here think of these... Innuendos...
                             1.Flowing from upstairs to downstairs.... making it harder... [to walk through]
                             2. GUSHING WATER. Like through a small hole just GUSHING
                             3. I took alot of heat to get it gushing.
Seriously boys and girls, if it didn't work... I've lost faith.

My phone tells me i missed an important call
I got a notification saying I missed a call at 2am from a guy i haven't talked to in months... And he was the only other person besides one other whom i've crushed on EVER. And well he called me yesterday and i didnt know my phone rang, so i guess i obviously didnt pick it up. I'm texting him tomorrow morning and saying sorry i missed his call.
I feel its earth telling me that this year, i have my chance. Please be right.

New Year Omens:
                            They come true right?