Jan 11, 2010

Totally gonna do it.

Ok, so you know how i've been talking on and on about the same guy? And how i haven't done anything to you know... Get him to notice me? Well... I hope he's gonna be at the mall on Friday because i'm going there, and yes if he's there i will talk to him. Jenny, remember her? The awesome girl? [http://mindmymales.blogspot.com/2010/01/little-quickie-by-ally.html] and well... She had this "hang out" the other day, and man am i jealous. Neil, and Dr. Horrible. Yeah.... Envious. Envious. Haha, I'm only joking, but good job Jenny, i consider you Legen... wait for it.... DARY!
So yeah if i see him i'm gonna text Jenny, and see if she's available, if not i'd have to go solo. Here's my plan:
                   With Jenny: We're gonna casually walk up, and if he isn't gonna be serving us, we nicely let the person behind us go first. Jenny will say, "Haaaavvvvvve you met Micah?" and Trevor will be like "No, i haven't" and then i will already "casually popped gum into my mouth for hot flavour" and we will strike a convo, and we will be awe.... wait for it... SOME!
                   Solo: I'm gonna pop some delicious gum into my mouth and casually walk over to the counter, you know if he's serving me if not.... Then the person behind me can go first. Then i'll smile and say, "You know, i've always wondered what its like to work in starbucks... Is it as... Awesome as people say?" and he will be all "Well, its good, etc. etc."

Yeah thats what i'm thinking... It really needs to be fixed up, so you know in the comment box, please just write something and tell me how you think or @AHotTrannyMess on twitter and tell me what you think, don't worry i promise from now on all comments will be approved! (:

Sometimes you just gotta grab life by the Meatballs.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you're totally courageous! I cold never do that!


Anything is possible. And yes, links to pictures of beautiful boys ARE encouraged.