Jan 21, 2010

Today was AWESOME

Ok so today i went to a thing called "New Heights Festival" at my school which uh... RULED! It was where all the drama classes put together plays and then showed it all it ran for like 4 hours LOL
Anyways, i dedicate this post to Selena my GOOD friend, i'm totally mean to her, but she totally gets it and doesn't get offended. She says she's gonna start a blog soon, I'll keep you posted haha.

Anyways in her play directed by my good friends Amy, Danielle and Elena. It was really good. I don't think Selena had a name haha, but she played a psycho character, lots of emotion! She had to like scream, laugh, get angry, and i think almost cry! It was crazy. But she won two awards two. And well yeah, the play was really funny! It was called Burmuda shorts haha, you know like the shorts? Yeah i'm not making this uyp (: And Addie, Lara[?], Jazzmin, Heba, Dustin and Virgina was in it. It was tres excellent!

Yeah, the other plays were very good too! Like my friend Liam's! He had two, he's in 2 directing classes and one acting i think? I really liked it! Esp. where he plays a guy named timmy after a guy named timmy in me photog class haha! And my friend Sean's play was good too! It was a silent play where he would narrate it was very funny! And then Nick and Alexis'! It was good, emotional! It was based after the emphisised version on the school stereotypes, and the 7 sins. Very powerful! And then there was My friends Nisha and Sarah, their play was about a guy named colin i think? He was a guy in juvie, it was ok. Funny but some parts i didn't really understand haha. There were 4 videos, by belinda, tahiyat, elena, stephanie. It was good! It won an award! It was called no pressure i think? It was about not conforming! Hahaha.
Anyways, i cant think of more, i'm sleepy... And i have a HUGE chem test tomorrow! So i'm gonna rest up!

Congrats awesome actors/actresses and directors!!


    the NEW HEIGHTS festival was great!

    and I am totally starting a blog... soon... hm... i think... LOL

  3. Oh man! I just got on twitter and saw the link to this lol


Anything is possible. And yes, links to pictures of beautiful boys ARE encouraged.