Jan 28, 2010

I've Gained Some Courage....

Ok so i was hanging out with my friends Jenny, Kenny and Jamaica. And hell it was SO MUCH FUN. Like it felt ILLEGAL. I mean im sorry i may have left you out Kenny ): But i didn't mean to, its just Jenny... LOL W&G reference! Ok... So on the Skytrain back with Mary-anna added and Jamaica deleted, we were talking about how i should go up and seduce Trevor into talking to me? Or think im cool... Nice or anything good... Anyways, some random guy tried to teach me how to talk to guys, awkward... But a nice gesture. (: Anyways I had gathered some courage... And i thought ot wonderful scenarios... Here they are! Tell me what you think, and/or what should i have instead!? Is it too creepy? Is it ok?

If he's with people, like the second cashier, the lady or the cute jerk.... There's two ways to go at this....
A: if no one is there, I will go up and say hey, how’s working today? He’ll say something generic and ill be like awesome/that sucks, I work at oj and sometimes its crazy because some customers come and ask for like a milkshake and we don’t have those, and of course they get mad at me.... Then he'd laugh, and id say oh sorry I didn’t wanna bore you with my life story, anyways ill get the classic Green Tea Frappicino tall this time, I don’t wanna get too fat. And of course the whipped cream on the bottom. And ill say oh speaking of WC did you try it. And for this scenario he'll say yes and ill go Haha! Was it good? He says yes, ill go Haha that’s awesome! So remember me Micah! The guy who orders good reversed drinks, but if he says no or no difference ill say OMG! Uh… then he has to say his name, and ill go Haha Oh Trevor? That’s a nice name, anyways, Omg Trevor you are crazy Haha, but to each their own (: so then I go oh snap sorry I must be boring you to death…. Anyways card and balance, he gives it. I say Hahaha merci (:

Now B
He’s busy and I let the person behind me first and I go wait for him and I go up and I say, ok so after my ponder-ation, which should totally be a word, you know even if it isn’t Haha. Then I go so a classic Green Tea Frap Haha tall this time, I mean I went to the gym this morning and I don’t want to gain TOO much of it back Haha. [You know to make him think I'm like the exercising type] then I say but then again I work at OJ so I'll gain it back and then some Haha. Then I go Oh man I shouldn’t bore you with my life story… So anyways, GTF tall and of course the whipped cream on the bottom, speaking of that have you tried it? And he says no, I say DUDE! Wait EW no, that’s to poseur, mind if I catch your name? “Trevor. Oh nice name I'm Micah” anyways Trevor, that’s crazy try it one day Kay? “Yeah” “ok promise me? Haha kidding, I don’t want to sound creepy. Oh yeah ok, card and balance, merci!

Now when alone, if he’s busy then ill just do it normally
If he’s not ill go, hey how’s work today? Dead? And he'll say something generic like yeah totally. And ill go, Haha well you know better than being busy, no time to breath or think Haha. Anyways ill get the classic GTF and whipped cream on the bottom, and then the whole ending thing...

Yeah thats it... I'm gonna learn those lines so i dont mess up! But tell me do i sound lame? Like a douche? Tell me!! (: [Comments children!]

He-White sounds so much cooler than white
Cool Heh-Whip.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHa I love this X] you got everything planned out eh?

    Don't worry, haha oh btdubs it's
    Mary-anne lol


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