Feb 3, 2010

Risky Risking.

So I'm sure that the only people who read this know me pretty well. And if y'all don't I'll tell you.

I'm a very shallow person. I mean come on, every five seconds i base people on their looks. I mean my policy is: "They're all hot... Until I realize they aren't" I mean i'm sure there are a lot of sweet, funny gay guys or males in general out there. But then i base "hottness" on their looks. That's really not good.... ): And yeah no surprise, they're usually really "douchy" guys. And I don't use that word loosley folks. And to be honest it was one guy in particular that got me realizing i was gay. It was in gr9, science class.

      I sat right in front of one of the HOTTEST GUYS i had EVER been bestowed the honour of witnessing. I mean my elementary school was OMG SO LAME I mean no offense, I do not want to come off as racist but my old elementary school was filled with Brown people, and no, they weren't nice to anyone of "autre colours" I mean i don't know about my other friends, like my white ones... But i was chinese and OMG THEY WERE SO MEAN they would talk about you behind your back... Or in front of you in FRONT of you.. D: yeah. And I know its totally odd of me... But I'm only into white guys, well majority.... My policy for white guys are "All of them are cute unless... They're underage... Or if they turn around" Yeah, i know... I'm a horrible person... So with my elementary school filled with only people of a majority of mean males... I only had female friends, and I still didn't fit in... Lame.
  Moving on with my life, so I sat in front of him, and to people who go to my school... This'll be like way too obvious, but I'm going to rename him anyways... [Br]omine. (: So yeah he was hot to me... [I mean TBH i don't know what i saw in him, he was mean, he always looked and sounded high... Actually gets high and drunk.... Did I mention? He's really smart for some reason... o.O (But i don't wanna be mean, i'm sure he tries in school)]So I liked him for two years... I know, two years wasted on some straight guy who and i quote, says, "Gay guys are wierd, marriage is only for a man and woman" Uh... Yeah, I mean all those divorces, domestic violence reports and rapes? Yeah fun, fun, fun.
   Now! I have gotten over him... Actually on Sept.1! Yeah i know, I'm awesome, but then I've realized... I really like really like guys with really cute smiles... Hence my liking of... "[Fr]ancium" or "Insert wittily thought up name here"... I mean they're like the king of douches. Well one of them is really polite... and also really nice... But in front of his friends he's a total ass... I mean some people, I mean more people would probably like you for WHO YOU ARE... I know i would ): and one... Well he's just a douche in general... And his voice makes him sound like nothing goes on in his head D: And OMG HIS FACE?! He looks like he's constantly pissed! Its so crazy... And like when he's not with his friends... Ok story:
                                                                  So it was after school, I had to go to my sister's school to pick her up. On the way there [i took the shortcut where its usually unpopulated] i like almost slipped down the hill.. So embarrassing and guess who was there? Yeah Francium... He saw and laughed and was like, "It just rained, I don't blame you" and I'm like EXCUSE ME!? YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THAT. But then I smile and kinda get all hot... He smiles like not, "loser" smile but like "Haha, you're so odd [in a good way]" And yeah, in my classes i have/had with him... He'd always talk about me and like give me a look... Not a "freak" look but just a look that i can't describe....
  Don't get me wrong people, I'm not calling him gay... Thats too movie to be true... I'm just saying, I always think the mean, douchey, so-called hot white guys are the HOTTEST 

Ps. I've fallen for some asians before... I mean it was after they've fallen for me... So i'm sorta old news to them... I guess I'm into looks for whites and personalities for others.... That doesn't make me totally shallow does it?

I'm not shallow... I just splash around in the kiddie pool.

1 comment:

  1. that's so shallow of you ;n; LOL

    meanie xDDD LOL

    youre so epic micah <3


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