Aug 6, 2010

More updates... Sigh... I need to post more

I met my husband. He started to avoid me because I stared too much.
I met my second husband. I took a picture with him. I forgot to ask his name.
I met my third husband. We totally hit it off. I know his name. He's straight.
I met my fourth husband. We totally hit it off. I know his name. He has a boyfriend.
I met my fifth husband. We totally hit it off. I know his name. He doesn't have a boyfriend. Because he has a girlfriend at the moment. [BI]
I met my sixth husband. I knew that was way too much for normal so I didn't do anything about it.

That's pretty much what happened in the span of 5 weeks. From June till now? Don't get me started.

OMG. The pride parade!!! Look what I've gained!

Pride gains: 21 condoms, 6 flavoured condoms, 2 condom+lube combos, sunglasses, bandana, fan, star, 2 hot guy pictures, a polaroid with hot sweaty guy, a picture with a drag queen, a picture with 2 trojan men, 3 Trojan tattoos, a @kylieminogue 3$ off coupon for her NEW AWESOME CD, 3 pins Dolly Parton, I ♡ cowboys and blood donations, a gay magazine and one husband. [He's the second husband]

I'm wearing the tattoo at the moment! LAWL. Hahah!
And I want an ear piercing... I have to wait till after grad photos d:

I think that's it LOL So I guess.... It's not really that much of a long ass story.
Legally Blonde the Musical. That's an amazing musical! You should watch it! I want the soundtrack so bad haha.
I honestly love Reese Witherspoon and Anne Hathaway. I think my top 5 movies are,
1. The Devil Wears Prada
2. Mean Girls
3. The Princess Diaries
4. Legally Blonde 1/2
5. Summer Storm
But honestly, this list changes without notices like 24/7 haha

"Remember the time we spent those four AMAZING hours in the hot tub? This feels so much better."

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