Jun 7, 2010

Australian Names? Pokemon? How is this a Children's festival?!

  So... May something was the Vancouver Children's Festival. Priscilla, my bffl and I decided to be good people and volunteer for said fabulous event. Of course she had to do her Volunteer hours, I was volunteering just in it for the fun of it. (Y)

  So when we there we only knew each other... which was awkward haha. We got name tags in which I wrote my name was Miclala, which it isn't. Lucky for me I enjoy approaching nice and/or decent looking people... usually girls. They're not as... hostile. So when we got there Priscilla and I were to choose what job we wanted. We were floaters afterall! We ended up being gate keepers and we were to stamp people's hands... fun stuff. Priscilla and I ended up breaking our stamps LOL.

  When we were going to our place we got assigned a pretty girl named Sydney! She was so funny and random and amazing... run-on sentence I know. She even drew me a picture! It was... amazing. So yeah I made a new friend that day... also it occured to me that almost everyone from North Vancouver... or was it West Vancouver? I dont know. Anyway, I realized almost everyone there was "Rich and stupid" ok that's mean, but it's a joke, so calmeth down (:
   I get this because my friend Sydney has never set foot in a Bus or Skytrain, like... Is that even legal? She's always using her family to drive her or a taxi... did I mention she's going to buy a pool inside her pool after grad. LOL yeah, fun stuff! 

   Also when we were gate keepers some random asian lady ran by us pointing at her hand and smiling, it wa hilarious! Sydney with her teeth clenched said, "That didn't look like anything..." it was so funny! Then Priscilla was like, "It looks like a tornado..."

  So the first day that we volunteered [we did 2 days] I kept ditching Priscilla because Sydney wanted to go on adventure walks yeah, adventure walks. It was funny how she said it. Anyways, i onviously felt bad because Priscilla was my friend and ditching her was not part of the volunteering plan! So I bought her a Pokemon shaped popsicle. I mean she loves pokemon... afterall who doesn't?! When she opened it, it was a Pikachu and omfg it was deformed! Priscilla couldn't stop laughing and she took a picture of it... for god's sakes... did I mention it was cold out? It was cold out. So she froze more haha.

  During the day I kept seeing this delicious boy in skinny jeans, which i creativly named, Skinny Jeans. His real name is Macenzie. Hot right? I know. He was hot... and he had an accent!!
  When Priscilla was waiting in line to get her volunteer hours signed there was a guy in front of her who looked like he was really mean and would bite off my face. So I just continued to talk to Priscilla and stuff, but he kept looking backwards towards us which really awkwarded me out! Then something miraculous happened! Because Priscilla is kind of allergic to the sun [It makes her sneeze] I decided I would pop up my umbrella to shield her, but she was all, "No Micah, put it down. You've splashed 10 other people." it was so embarrassing! So I put it down and said, "Sorry 10 other people" He turned around and said, "It's ok." How cute!! He then started to take off his leather jacket and show his hot purple shirt. [According to me there are only four kinds of shirts that make men look hot:
                                                          1. Purple
2. Pink
3. Plaid
4. Nothing

 So yeah the last one wasn't a kind of shirt... but still.] So yeah... ok for this last part to make sense we're going to need... a...

So for some odd unconcious reason when i am interested in someone I know i might have a chance with I tend to do 3 things:
1. gay it up
2. fix my hair 
3. stare.
So by "gay it up" I literally mean "gay it up" [I don't mean this to be rude ore offensive, I'm sorry. I mean it in the most sterotypical way possible. Which everyone should know isn't always true. I walk a little more feminine, I talk a lot more feminine and I don't know, just imagine a totally sterotypical gay guy, I don't know why i do it. I just kind of do.
The second one is very obvious... I fix my hair, like every second... even when it's totally fine. Did I mention I have a mirror and comb in every one of my backpacks? I have a mirror and a comb in every one of my backpacks.
And of course, I stare at them... It's not my fault, they're just so beautiful!!

  So do you get that? Yeah, so right after the whole umbrella ordeal he starts to fix his hair, then talk to the lady who signed Priscilla's volunteer hours sheet in a totally gay and happy way unlike what his face showed earlier. Then as we were leaving we were walking behind him and he would fix his hair 24/7 so much in fact he ran into a tree LOL Priscilla and I laughed. Hard. I tried not to, but it's not my fault! I mean it's not everyday someone runs into a tree! So yeah he was probably really embarrassed! Oh no! Also... he turned around a lot to look at us... Even when we were running through "Alice in Wonderland Forest" I didn't get to catch his name... So I named him Raoul

1 comment:

  1. Lol. Micah, you are a funny guy :3. Like seriously. Glad I met you.


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