Dec 20, 2009

It all started at 4am....

Ok here is how my epiphany number one at 4am started...

"As quoted from Twitter, with minor tweeks also" (AHotTrannyMess look me up!)

There are two types of gays. Within the two types are two branches. And every branch decends onto a.... option i guess? A variable you decide.

Type one: Fat.
Options: Ugly
              Average looking.
Possibilities: Nice, cute,funny and all around good person
                  "Just not your type" <-This has two small branches:
                                                     Not the looks you "need"
                                                     Just doesn't "click" with you.

Type two: Successful/Lucky
 Options: Really HOT.
          Rich and smart
Possibilities: For Hot are
                   Really Bitchy and a jerk... Probably what in general a Player
                   Or [if really lucky]
                   Really nice, cute funny and well awesome. = Perfect
For possibility 2 You've hit the Jackpot. [Ignore the pun... Unless you like it]
----> Then he may be [In girls eyes] Unavailable, Married or Gay
----> But for us boys?  Boyfriend, Married or Straight.
         ~~~~But, if he has a boyfriend its not too permanent. If he has a husband? Well does he have kids? It only counts if he has kids. [LOL im kidding dont seduce married or men in relationships. Unless you want to.]

                   For Rich and Smart they are
                   Not too good looking.
                   I guess his looks aren't TOO much of an issue...
                   Omg! He's so hot! How does that work!?

*Footnote 2*
If he's not too good looking but you accept it, i mean come on every relationship no matter how shallow, looks matter a little.
Now if you accept it then it pretty much ties into the "looks aren't TOO much..." Then thats good you've hit one of two branches.
Branches: Quilifications for these are: Rich, cute, funny AND smart.
                You've hit: Problemed
                                -Nice... Until in private
                                Unavailable... So it ties into the hot category?

In all
Its pretty hard to meet someone who fits these things... And not end up in Unavailable.
But there's my... Epiphany! Good luck and... comment (:

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