Mar 21, 2010


Ok, have y'all seen Angel!? If not... I say WATCH IT its really good... Not some religious show if you're actually thinking that LOL, its a spin-off of buffy... I saw a few min of it on sunday when pokemon silver came out, it was ok...

I've never actually heard of it till my friend Westephone INSISTED I watch it LOL she has all the seasons... Like everything else, she has like everything LOL, no I'm not complaining. (:

David Boreanaz is in it... Which adds to the AWESOME! And James Marsters, I saw a vid of him kissing some other guy in Torchwood, that was nice.

But from watching it... I found it that its so good! There's only five seasons... Which i find is like... Impossible, it totally should have more. And so I finished it like right before spring break, but I'm just saying, watch it if you haven't!

Its good.

1 comment:

  1. BITCH!
    micah have you been smoking banana crack with seana again? i spent an hour on the phone with you like two years ago going on about Angel and Buffy and how you should watch it!
    oh and hopefully you know who this is
    ( its me.) -( dont believe the rumors)


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