Mar 6, 2010

SFU Open house?

So on March 4th which was... Thursday I think. I had an early dismissal which was 2pm and my friend Radeken's school ended at 230 so he was all COME TO MY SCHOOL AND WE CAN GO TO SFU! it took me like... an hour to get there... ): I was there at 3pm and no there weren't any hot guys... Even though he said there would be D:

  So we went to SFU and it was pretty cool... Lots of free things.. Like my friend she took all the pens, highlighters, books, candies and of course food LOL. I took a book some post-it notes and of course 4 condoms LOL! Yeah I gave one to Selena and one to Jeong, I'm sure they'll put it to good use! (: I kept two.. So when I rape So Soft and Lover I'll be safe. Hahah jokes jokes.

   So when we were there we so so many hot guys, by we I mean Radeken and I. I saw about a billion, but I only named the impossibly hot ones. The names are as follows,  T-Shirt, whom was the first one I saw and the hottest one. The second is Cute Communications, he was sitting at the booth and smiled and always looked over at us... I asked him many random question... But really stupid ones... He probably thinks I need help? Then there was Not the Asian One, he was with a friend and yes he was Asian, I'm thinking Radeken must have thought he was cute, so when he pointed them out I was like omg! he's so fricken hot! Not the Asian One of course. And then there was the cute one who was with his mother and sister, he kept forcing her to take a Monster for him LOL you know those energy drinks? Yeah, I kinda find them nasty ): Yeah I named him Sweatpants... Its kind of obvious why...

Besides the hot guys we walked around kind of aimlessly? I think... I saw many of my friends there, but most didn't stay... I saw Bels.. But then she dissappeared.. So she missed out on a fabulous hug. I got a free shirt? And uh.... I will use my condoms wisely (:

Tree #1: [name] Understudy: [Name]
Really? For a tree?

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