Mar 21, 2010


   So during the first week of Spring Break I decided that I had to get one of those hoodies at American Apparel that you know... Everyone has? But everyone has like, dark colours so I'm like, B*tch if iI'm gonna be like everyone else I might as well be different while I'm at it. So yeah I wanted to get hot pink, cuz almost no one had it... And I'm a boy, it adds to the awesome.

  I went there with my friends Trinu and Jopo, I know their names are like gangster, fo shizzle. Before I went, Jopo picked out my outfit, I know I felt like Paris Hilton! I'm sure she picks out her own clothes, but does she fold it herself? I don't think so! Jopo folded my clothing which was a great surprise! I was like "wow"
 Trinu borrowed one of my books, Tips on having a gay (ex) boyfriend by Carrie Jones. Which is a good book. Trinu was dedicated to the book LOL, she reads at light speed, like LIGHT SPEED, not even funny. I think she finished in like 2 days, what an amazing feat! [I think thats the word]

 So that day when we awoke we watched Garden Party? O.M.G. That movie was not only horrible it was TERRIBLE.
  When we got to the mall I went straight to my Jacket... It was expensive and Jopo said I looked bad in that pink so she picked purple... Yeah I did look better. Still it was like 50 some bucks, so we decided on no.
  A while later Jopo suggested Bang On. WE FOUND ONE THERE! And yeah it looked WAY BETTER. And was WAY CHEAPER and it also had some yellow on it! Which adds to the awesome.
  You know us asians, always with the money (:

  The next day I spend 40 bucks on the pokemon game... ):
I spend about 100$ in two days... But I've saved 40$~~ Still... I have 60$ to make up for. I don't regret the pokemon game (: [SOUL SILVER!!]

Being a hooker brings in a lot of money right?

1 comment:

  1. if I'm gonna be like everyone else I might as well be different while I'm at it

    LOL the above totally didnt make sense (to me anyway) but it was really funny XD

    btw this is Jenny (the one in UVic)
    Hi Micah XD haha
    hows it going?


Anything is possible. And yes, links to pictures of beautiful boys ARE encouraged.